El Sol CHW/P Training Center Report

EL Sol Training Center

This summary provides a high-level summary of the various learning methods El Sol used to train CHWs/Ps. El Sol will continue developing and implementing training and building capacity to strengthen CHWs/Ps to serve as catalysts for change through a holistic transformative learning approach.

School-Based Asthma

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

El Sol CHWs/Promotores effectively promoted respiratory health by educating and screening in community outreaches, as well as home visitations and referrals to health professionals.

Advance Late-Life
Depression Care

Emotional Health

In collaboration with the Archstone Foundation initiative, El Sol implemented the Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives (PEARLS): a national evidence-based program for late-life depression that delivers brief behavioral techniques and problem solving skills within the client’s home.

Community Health Education Workers (CHEW) in Chaffey

Strengthening Families

In partnership with Chaffey Unified School District, El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center implemented the program to provide specialized services to some of the most at risk students and their families.

Community Health Education Workers (CHEW) in San Bernardino

Strengthening Families​

In partnership with San Bernardino City Unified School District this program was created to help schools and families address chronic absenteeism, support high school attendance and provide resources for Tdap vaccinations.

CHWs/Promotores working in
Clinical Settings in Ontario

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

El Sol CHWs/Promotores assisted the clinical staff in Ontario and helped residents who were underinsured by tracking their BMI, blood pressure, total cholesterol levels and weight, as well educate on behavioral drivers that impact overall health.

COVID-19 Response

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

El Sol CHWs/Promotores have been connecting families to various resources and healthcare facilities to promote testing, rental assistance programs, unemployment benefits for workers impacted by the pandemic, immediate food assistance and more.

Education Through Arts and Culture

Outreach and Connections

We have created a range of educational content with the use of arts, music, dance, theater, comics, puppets and
more to promote community health and social change. Our creative approach is community-led and culturally
relevant educational resources for people of all ages and backgrounds.

El Sol Community Health Worker/Promotor Training Center

EL Sol Training Center

El Sol’s CHW/P Training Center continues to enhance the workforce of CHWs/Ps. El Sol will continue developing and implementing trainings and building capacity to strengthen CHWs/Ps to serve as catalysts for change through a holistic transformative learning approach.

Families Learning Together
Early Childhood Education

Strengthening Families​

HIPPY & PHCP Programs:

El Sol has developed partnerships with evidence-based programs such as Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) and the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY). These programs demonstrate improvement in school readiness and achievement in families challenged by poverty, isolation, language and literacy barriers, and limited educational opportunities.

Improving Health Home Visitation (HFA)

Emotional Health

Healthy Families America (HFA) is a national evidence-based program that aims to promote the health of pregnant women and their babies, improve birth outcomes, strengthen parent-child bonding, and create a healthy environment for the entire family by providing highly trained CHWs/Promotores intensive home visiting services to families. 

Integrating CHWs/Promotores in Frontline Mental Health Care

Emotional Health

El Sol CHWs/Promotores engage with participants by providing psychoeducational services in efforts to reduce stigma by increasing education and awareness of mental health. They also offer support, guidance, referrals and resources in the community.

Community Mental Health Workers and Promotores de Salud Mental

Emotional Health

This program was designed for CHWs/Promotores to provide culturally appropriate community-based mental health education through community outreach.

Mental Health CHWs/
Promotores Project

Emotional Health

El Sol CHWs/promotores were trained to provide a culturally appropriate, community-based strategy to improve mental health education, reduce stigma associated with mental illness, and educated parents about mental health concerns in children.

Mi Corazon, Mi Salud
My Heart, My Health

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

This program was created to address the coronary heart disease death rate in San Bernardino. CHWs/promotores provided community-based education and outreach as part of the care coordination team.

Mamás y Bebés
Prevention of Postpartum

Strengthening Families​

The CHWs/promotores helped families create a healthy physical, social, and psychological environment for themselves and their infants in this 8-session course that used cognitive-behavioral mood management framework.

Vida Vibrante: A Diabetes Prevention & Self-Management Program

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Led by CHWs/promotores, this program was created to improve the socio-cultural and behavioral determinants of pre-diabetes and diabetes by combining traditional evidence-based interventions with participatory learning popular education approaches and more.

El Sol Listos California Impact Report 2021

California For All Emergency Preparedness Public Outreach and Education Campaign (LISTOS California) in San Bernardino is a program aimed to provide training and resources to vulnerable and diverse populations through sub-grants to local community-based organizations serving those populations. This report provides a summary of the impact El Sol CHWs and promotores had on the Listos California Campaign in San Bernardino and the impact COVID-19 had on the program.

El Sol 2014 Impact Report

El Sol has maintained a clear mission of empowering its community to lead healthy and comfortable lives. With the use of community health workers, they have access to health care, safe and affordable housing, opportunities for education, and the leadership skills to eliminate disparities. To accomplish this mission, El Sol’s goal is to provide culturally and linguistically competent services that promote and maintain the well being of the community. Click the link below to learn more about how El Sol has impacted the community.