
GuideStar 2019 Platinum Seal of Transparency

The GuideStar database contains a profile for every tax-exempt nonprofit registered with the IRS. GuideStar encourages every nonprofit to claim and update its profile at no cost to the organization. Updating allows nonprofits to share a wealth of up-to-date information with the more than 10 million people who visit GuideStar to learn more about nonprofit organizations each year. Updating also allows nonprofits to share information with the more than 200 philanthropic websites and applications that are powered by GuideStar data.

2018 Non-Profit of the Year by Inland Empire Economic Partnership

The Inland Economic Partnership presented El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center with an award for outstanding service to the Inland Empire region and for all the support given to the partnership.

This award was given by HARC (Health Assessment and Research for Communities), they provides research and evaluation services. HARC is a nonprofit that helps community leaders use objective research and analysis to turn data into action. 

2018 Coachella Valley Workplace Wellness Award

El Sol received an outstanding workplace award in recognition of exemplary wellness and mental health. 

San Bernardino County Resolution

The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino commended El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center for its exemplary leadership, dedication and service to the community using the Community Health Workers/Promotores model. 

2012 NonProfit Excellence Award

The Community Connect’s Nonprofit resource Center presented El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center with the NonProfit Excellence Award

SBCUSD Phase 5 Report

El Sol CHWs Impact: Advance Late-life Depression Care


El Sol CHWs Impact: Asthma Respiratory Edcation