El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center has more than 15 years of experience in developing CHW/P and promotores (CHW/p) training curricula, including co-founding and co-developing the Loma Linda Promotores Academy and launching the El Sol Community Health Workers and Promotores Training Center. With module topics that span the Spectrum of Prevention, clinical integration, emotional growth, health intervention evaluation and more, we focus on individual, holistic growth for each participant. CHW’s/promotores co-develop all training materials to ensure relevance and that materials meet different learning styles. And given the Medical CalAIM program,1 our virtual and in-person trainings effectively respond to the growing demand for a more robust and sustainable CHW/P workforce that can advance cost effective Community Supports (formerly “In Lieu of Services”).

El Sol curricula includes education on health issues, SDOH, and health inequities, as well as training to develop specific skills, such as communication and service coordination. Our training programs use the principles and techniques of popular education (also known as empowerment or Freirian education), and involve experienced CHWs/Ps who design and conduct our trainings. Our Training Center prepares and supports CHWs/Ps to perform the full range of CHW/P roles. And we train CHWs in effective data collection and documentation for integration into electronic health records.

To achieve individual transformation, trainers and participants cultivate an atmosphere of trust and create a safe space to dialogue openly. Through this process, participants help to modify the training structure if needed, so that CHWs/Ps foster continual learning and improvement.

Training Center Highlights

Webinar Topics (English/Spanish):

  • Group Facilitation
  • The Definition and Role of the CHW/P
  • Popular Education
  • CHW/P Recruitment Strategies
  • CHW/P Supervision
  • Stress Management
  • Training and Professional Development of CHWs/Ps
  • Self-Care Strategies

CHW Basics Modules (18 Modules):

  • Introduction to the CHW/P Model
  • Leadership of the CHW/P
  • Home Visitation Protocol
  • Integrating CHWs/Ps into Healthcare Systems
  • Community Based Organizations and CHWs/Ps
  • Healthcare & Health Policy

C3 Assessments

  • Communication Skills
  • Interpersonal & Relational Skills
  • Service Integration & Navigation
  • Evaluation & Research Skills
  • Professional Skills & Conduct
  • Individual & Community Assessment Skills
  • Self-Care Strategies

Clinic-Based CHW Trainings (15 Modules)

  • Patient Centered Integration Strategies
  • Clinical Scope of Work
  • Medical Terminology and Physiological Systems
  • Program Evaluation
  • Ethics in Healthcare Delivery
  • Integrating CHWs/Ps into Healthcare Systems
  • Patient Advocacy & Support

a result of participation, organizations and individuals increased their ability to connect participants to information and resources in healthcare and service-area communities. They gained knowledge, skills, and resources to address the Social Determinants of Health and to identify community supports. Trainings also provided a strong foundation of knowledge and skills for newer CHW’s/Ps, with useful, relevant, and applicable information for advancing health equity. Participants shared that the training format was easy and understandable and on-line classes were enjoyable and convenient. Participants also experienced an increase in knowledge regarding specific health issues faced by Inland Region service area communities. For more information regarding El Sol Neighborhood Educational Training Services, contact Odilia Garcia, El Sol Training Center Director, at odiliagarcia@elsolnec.org

[1] Led by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), the goal of CalAIM is to improve outcomes for the millions of Californians covered by Medi-Cal, including those with the most complex needs.