In terms of a return on investment, some of the most proven types of job training include data collection/analysis, social media marketing, computer training, safety training, ethics, prevention and community development models, specialized customer engagement skills training, diversity, inclusion and equity seminars, quality improvement, and communications classes.

Benefits of Investing in Job Trainings

In terms of a return on investment, some of the most proven types of job training include data collection/analysis, social media marketing, computer training, safety training, ethics, prevention and community development models, specialized customer engagement skills training, diversity, inclusion and equity seminars, quality improvement, and communications classes.


Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees


Improved ability to connect with customers/community


Improved organizational innovations


Improved employer – employee relationships


Increased employee motivation


Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in social and economic gain


Increased ability to adopt new technologies and methods


 Increased innovation in strategies, interventions and products


Improved employee retention


Enhanced company image


Equity plus risk management (cultural sensitivity, sexual harassment, diversity training)


Pathways to new jobs

For employees who are looking to grow skills and knowledge, training is essential. Employees will learn something valuable or grow their knowledge base, and can apply this knowledge in current positions. This builds their value and can help strengthen their résumé for professional mobility. 2

Creating Pathways for Upward Mobility

For many Inland Region workers, it has become increasingly challenging to find work that pays living wages, career advancement or economic mobility. Due to rising income inequality and the need for more equity, the Inland Empire Regional Workforce Development Plan has prioritized workers’ abilities to access high-quality jobs in sectors that show the most market growth.  Sectoral employment training programs, which train employees and/or job seekers for employment in specific industries considered to have strong labor demand and opportunities for career growth, offer a promising pathway to higher-wage jobs for workers who may face barriers to employment, typically those without college degrees.3 Coupled with upfront skills and knowledge assessments, and employer connection programs, these training programs can have significant impact on low-status communities (a term that illustrates the equality gap in a community 4) and may result in economic mobility as a result of increased living wages.

The Inland Empire Regional Workforce Development Plan identified that in the Inland Empire, Health Care and Social Assistance is the largest industry sector, employing over a quarter of a million workers, followed by Retail Trade, Professional and Business Services, Educational Services, and Manufacturing. These five industry sectors employed over one million people or 52.3% of total employment in 2019, down from 53.4% in 2014. 5

Across these sectors, the following knowledge, skills and abilities are most strongly associated with hiring, employment retention and promotion, according to the report:

Training programs that develop and deepen these knowledge bases and skills, coupled with programs that support higher education pathways, may assist lower-income residents and lower-status community members in securing employment in the Health Care and Social Assistance sectors.

El Sol’s Healthcare and Social Assistance Sectors Training Programs

Each year, we serve over 90,000 community residents through various programs led by CHWs and promotores. Serving the Inland Empire during these years has been our priority, achieving positive and measurable change. Additionally, The Inland Empire Regional Workforce Development Plan identified community health workers/promotoras as a targeted, in-demand  Health Care and Social Assistance occupation. El Sol can play a vital role in consulting and training organizations to train future community health workforce to create a pipeline of talented, local, intelligent community health workers. 

We offer foundations and other organizations technical assistance on the development and implementation of CHWs and promotores training and interventions, including identifying and targeting community health priorities. As a frontrunner in CHWs and promotores training and practice in the Inland Empire, El Sol developed the Community Health Worker Academy which has evolved into the CHW Training Center. Through a holistic training approach, we prioritize the growth of the CHW, promotor, and organization. The end result of training is an empowered CHW and organization who become experts and leaders in relationship building and compassionate care.  Topics cut across a swath of knowledge and skill sets.

All graduates receive CHW certification that will advance their employment opportunities.

Closing thoughts

The most effective sectoral employment training programs include screenings for applicants on basic skills and motivation; occupational skills training targeted to high-wage sectors and leading to an industry-recognized certificate; career readiness training; wraparound support services for participants; and strong connections to employers. Combined, these can support economic mobility for low-wage workers and fill critical workforce shortages in the Inland Empire.

[4]Carter, M. (2022). Reclaiming Your Community: You Don’t Have to Move out of Your Neighborhood to Live in a Better One (1st ed.). Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
[6] pg. 30